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Meet the team.

Prof Abhik Roychoudhury

Principal Investigator

Provost's Chair Professor, National University of Singapore

Lead Principal Investigator, Trustworthy Systems from Un-trusted component Amalgamations (TSUNAMi)

Director, Singapore Cybersecurity Consortium (SGCSC)

Director, National Satellite of Excellence in Trustworthy Software Systems

A/P Min-Yen Kan

Principal Investigator

Associate Professor, National University of Singapore

Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Studies

A/P Ben Leong


Director, AI Centre for Educational Technologies

Associate Professor, National University of Singapore

Chief Data Officer (Technical), AI Singapore

Director, Centre for Computing for Social Good and Philanthropy

A/P Soo Yuen Jien

Principal Investigator

Associate Professor, National University of Singapore

Director of NUS Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning

Dr Leong Wai Kay

Principal Investigator

Senior Lecturer, National University of Singapore

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